As has been true in every generation, the church today faces many challenges from the world. The intellectual and moral opposition that we face can seem overwhelming at times, which is why we need to remember that Christ has already overcome this opposition. By His life, death, and resurrection, our Savior has conquered our enemies, and by His Spirit He has granted us to share in the victory. The Lord, in His Spirit, comes alongside us to strengthen us for the battles we face. This strengthening occurs as we are grounded in His truth (John 17:17).
The 2014 Ligonier Ministries West Coast Conference theme is Overcoming the World: Being a Christian in a Post-Christian Culture. Steven Lawson, Stephen Meyer, Albert Mohler, R.C.Sproul Jr., and R.C. Sproul consider what the Scripture says about confronting worldliness, defending the faith, living as a faithful remnant, and understanding biblical ethics.